Here's What Some Other Families Are Doing With Our Help
See how families are transforming their lives with the ADHD Thrive Institute. Each story below highlights the incredible progress made through holistic approaches—improved focus, calmer homes, and stronger connections. Let these powerful testimonials inspire you to embrace the natural strategies that can create lasting positive change for your family.

Here's What Some Other Families Are Doing With Our Help
See how families are transforming their lives with the ADHD Thrive Institute. Each story below highlights the incredible progress made through holistic approaches—improved focus, calmer homes, and stronger connections. Let these powerful testimonials inspire you to embrace the natural strategies that can create lasting positive change for your family.


They were at rock bottom...
Kimberly’s 9-year-old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD & ASD at the age of 4. They hit rock bottom when their daughter’s emotional instability became severe at around age 9. She also battled impulsivity, sleep issues, inattentiveness, etc. Her behavior was turning their entire family upside down. Never in a million years did she expect to see THESE RESULTS!

Gabrielle had tried EVERYTHING to help her son, and nothing worked...
😭Gabrielle had tried EVERYTHING to help her son. Medication helped with some things but also made other symptoms worse. There had to be another way! When she read my book and then joined our program, she thought… "Is this really going to work, or is it going to be ANOTHER THING that fails?...
-Gabrielle, Soaring Child Ambassador

Matthew, a Teen with ADHD, Learned How to Reduce Symptoms Naturally
Matthew is a 17-year-old student who is full of wisdom and insight for both kids on a similar journey and their parents.
”Trust that the diet will make you the person that you want to be - for sure - because it made me the person I want to be.”
-Matthew, Soaring Child Ambassador

He was the pickiest eater I have ever worked with!
Renee's son Levi was a picky eater, so reducing his ADHD symptoms naturally was tough. But with our support, she was able to overcome BOTH his picky eating and his daily ADHD challenges!
-Renee, Soaring Child Ambassador

They were getting calls from the school 2-3X a week!
On her son's first day of kindergarten, Jacque got a call from the school. He was being too aggressive. This led to YEARS of trying to find a solution to his challenging ADHD symptoms. Now, though, he's completely off the school’s behavior list!
-Jacque, Soaring Child Ambassador

Dara and her husband were afraid they would be disappointed…AGAIN!
Dara’s daughter Reese had ADHD symtpoms that put their whole family on an emotional rollercoaster. But not anymore! Dara was able to work with us to turn her daughter's life around and bring harmony back to her whole family!
-Dara, Soaring Child Ambassador

Amber spent SO MUCH money on things that didn’t work!
Doctors recommended a list of medications for Amber's daughter to take, but none of these meds really helped them that much. It wasn't until Amber found us that Ava finally started showing improvements!
-Amber, Soaring Child Ambassador

It was like a night and day difference!
Emily’s house used to be so chaotic. Yelling was the norm. And her son didn’t have any friends at school. His behavior just turned people off. But now, after working with us and reducing that inflammation in her son’s body, it’s like a NIGHT & DAY DIFFERENCE!
-Emily, Soaring Child Ambassador

When medication didn’t work, Marie thought she was out of options…
It was hard for Marie and her children to go out in public. Marie tried meds, but they didn’t work for her daughter. She was relieved to find help from Dana Kay, who had been through a similar personal experience, to get natural relief to manage her daughters symptoms.
-Marie, Soaring Child Ambassador

As you can see here a behavior change is very possible!

Valerie got her son back!
Valerie's son, Cain, used to suffer from anxiety. They tried a variety of therapies, books, supplements, chiropractic care, and various other strategies, but none of them really made much of a difference, so Valerie felt completely helpless.
Medication didn't help him. But then she found our program...
-Valerie, Soaring Child Ambassador
Do you want to bring peace and a sense of normalcy back into your home?

Imagine a once challenging school subject being doable and accomplished independently!

Laura had already made dietary changes, and they weren’t helping!
“Why waste MORE money on another program if it’s not going to work?” But the support she found with our team of experts and inside the private program was unlike any she had ever experienced. Her child went from saying he was a bad kid and that he wished he had never been born to being a happy, well-adjusted child.
Are you ready to have your child back...

People are experiencing such dramatic changes in their families that they can't help but share!

This mom worried it wouldn’t work with her teenager.
Jyoti was at her wit’s end with her 13 year old son. His emotional dysregulation, mood swings, and anger were out of control. They tried therapy and medication, and nothing was helping. But as soon as she began implementing the changes we suggested, she could see the improvements in her son’s mood! It was the missing piece of the puzzle!

Imagine an 80% improvement in less than a year!

From nearly kicked out of school to compliments on report cards!

"Can my child really get better? And how long will it take?”
Lisa and Brian said that this program changed the life of their son with ADHD.
-Lisa & Brian, Soaring Child Ambassador
Imagine a good snack that your kiddo loves that DOESN'T cause any behaviors!

Positive physical changes AND your child craving clean food??

"I feel happier! Mom, I actually feel happy!"

Lindsey was desperate. But she was also really scared to try “another thing.”
She had already tried medication - LOTS of medication. As well as various supplements, parenting techniques, and other “solutions” that didn’t work. Nothing seemed to make one bit of difference. So she was pleasantly surprised when she finally found something that actually helped her family!

"Once I got started with the food change, everything started to be much better..."
Adam is 10 years old. He learned - along with his family - how to naturally reduce his own ADHD symptoms.
His story is INCREDIBLE!
-Adam, Soaring Child Ambassador

Other parents telling you how well behaved your children are?? YES, PLEASE!

ADHD symptoms improved after only a few months!
Meet Amy and her son, Josh. Josh used to struggle in school. But within only a month or two of changing his diet and implementing other natural strategies, his ADHD symptoms improved.
- Amy & Josh(son), Soaring Child Ambassadors
When someone asks what you're doing different!!

No more medication! No more IEP! No longer hyperactive!

This Mom Had Success with Natural ADHD Strategies
Nicole's son, Will, is doing so much better now that they implemented natural strategies to reduce his symptoms. The functional lab tests they ran really helped them get to the underlying stressors in his body.
- Nicole, Soaring Child Ambassadors
Do you want to see your child's true self revealed?

"How I found hope for my son's ADHD...."
Farrah's son Aaron used to really struggle with emotional regulation. So much that Farrah felt helpless. Now, he's like a totally different child!
- Farrah, Soaring Child Ambassador

We're so amazed with how he's grown!"

Deborah used to dread seeing the school’s phone number on her caller ID.
Within only 3-4 months, she began seeing UNBELIEVABLE changes! Not only have her boys been suspended 0 times this school year, they are now actually enjoying school, meeting or exceeding grade level in all subjects, winning awards, and feeling confident and happy!

They were living with a ticking time bomb!
Michaela, she told me she felt like she was living with a ticking time bomb! She never knew what was going to set off her son. But within 2 weeks of implementing the changes we suggest in the program, he’s doing SO MUCH BETTER! ithin only 3-4 months, she began seeing UNBELIEVABLE changes!

Michael was reluctant at first...
Michael was reluctant about the natural approach to ADHD treatment. Understandably. After all, they had already tried SO MANY THINGS! Now, he’s so glad his wife talked him into it because he got his son back.
She thought her family was healthy!
Wendy thought her family was healthy. She had no idea that MOLD was lurking in her home, completely hidden from view! Because of the lab testing she did with us, we were able to discover the underlying stressor and begin to restore her family to optimum health!

Within 3 days, he was like a different child!
Georgia’s son had multiple diagnoses. Not just ADHD, but also ASD, Dyspraxia, and a few others. He needed OT, PT, and Speech, but his ADHD made it difficult for him to sit still through each of these therapies. WITHIN 3 DAYS of making the changes we suggested, he was like a different child! And best of all, he can now focus during each of his other necessary therapies!

“This is a life-changing program,” one grandmother told us!
Paula and her husband joined the program to help their granddaughter, but they worried it wouldn’t work because she also spent time with her father, and he wasn’t on board with the program. They were blown away by the results they saw!