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For parents who want relief from the tantrums, meltdowns, behavior problems, mood swings, and irritability of ADHD in children…

How to reduce your child’s ADHD symptoms in 3 weeks, by going

“Dye Free” the Easy Way - without medications or therapy

From ADHD expert and 2x International Best-Selling Author, Dana Kay

As Seen In


As Seen In


Why do children with ADHD struggle with irritability, extreme hyperactivity, explosive outbursts, anger, sadness, and anxiety?

You may have noticed a spike in negative emotions and wild behaviors after your child eats a bowl of cereal or a handful of candy…

Many parents have wondered - Is there a link between ADHD symptoms, and diet?

And can a few simple food swaps reduce ADHD symptoms in children? 

The answer to both of these is… YES!!

Studies have shown a strong link between artificial colors and flavors, and serious ADHD symptoms.

These artificial flavors and colors are everywhere in our food supply…

And these chemicals have been repeatedly shown to affect hyperactivity and other ADHD symptoms in children.

I was frightened when I learned this… But also, I felt a little relieved.

This meant that I wasn’t a bad parent… And I wasn’t failing… I just didn’t know that artificial flavors and colors affect ADHD symptoms so much.

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Let me share some scientific studies with you!

You will soon see that even though artificial flavors and colors seem harmless, they actually have very strong negative effects on our children, especially children with ADHD…

A 2007 study established that some children with ADHD experience increased hyperactivity after eating foods with artificial colors and preservatives.

A 2004 study established a connection between artificial colors and hyperactivity in children, whether the children had ADHD or not!

A 2012 meta-analysis concluded that artificial colors exacerbate hyperactivity in children under 14.

In another study, researchers gave healthy preschoolers 20 milligrams of artificial dye plus sodium benzoate, a common food preservative. The children experienced a significant increase in hyperactivity.

Another 2007 study found that both hyperactive and non-hyperactive children experienced increased hyperactivity when given artificial food colors and additives. These negatively affect not just children with ADHD, but neurotypical children as well.

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Hi! I'm Dana Kay....

I’m a board-certified health and nutrition practitioner, International Best-Selling Author, & ADHD expert.

I have helped over 1,321 families reduce their children’s ADHD symptoms, naturally - without risky medications.

I am the founder & CEO of the ADHD Thrive Institute and the creator of the ADHD Thrive Method AKA Fighting ADHD Symptoms Naturally.

But most importantly, I am a mom with a son who has ADHD. I have been where you are, and I know how difficult it can be.

And even though artificial colors and flavors might seem like they aren’t that big of a deal, studies show that they are.

They are very bad for children’s physical & mental development.

And that is why I developed Dye-Free for ADHD - A simple 21-day guide for reducing ADHD symptoms in children.

And while it may sound simple to “just remove artificial dyes and flavors from the diet”, it is easier said than done.

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Dye-Free for ADHD is a short-and-sweet, to-the-point program that guides you every step of the way.

No confusion. No overwhelm. No feeling “stuck”.

After you go through this simple program, you will have all the information you need to successfully remove the artificial colors and flavors in your family’s diet!

"Bite Sized" Videos By Dana Kay
Step-by-Step How To Guides
Lists of Safe Dye-free Products
Visual Product Swap Guides
Recipe Guides For The Holidays
ADHD Symptom Tracker
Private Online Community
Support From Dana Kay's Team

Let me share a story with you about one of my clients…

Wendy told me she decided to “dip her toes in the water” with dietary changes, to see if they would help her son…

So she decided to go dye-free for three weeks.

Her family agreed to try it... After all, it was only three weeks!

And after making some simple food swaps, Wendy and her husband found that their son’s behavior seemed to be significantly better.. It seemed like his aggression improved, and the outbursts weren’t as frequent or severe.

But they weren’t sure if this approach worked, until a few days later…

Shortly after the three weeks, their son went to a party and had some food with dye in it.

That afternoon, and for the next two days, he had reverted back to the behaviors he had before… The extreme hyperactivity and explosive outbursts had returned :( 

After these synthetic compounds were out of his system a few days later, he returned to being calm and stable.


Other Success Stories

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This Program Is For You If You....

Are a parent of a child with ADHD (or suspect they have it)
Are constantly feeling stressed and overwhelmed
Are feeling guilty because you feel like a bad parent
Feel like you can’t deal with this anymore & don’t know what to do next
Are constantly worried about increasing your child’s dosage of medication or adding new medications to fix symptoms
Wish to gain confidence in navigating social situations
Want your family to be in a place of happiness and peace
Want to help your child them thrive want to bring back the calm to your house 
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One Time

  • "Bite Sized" Video Lessons By Dana Kay
  • Step-by-Step How To Guides
  • Lists of Safe Dye-free Brands and Products
  • Visual Product Swap Guides
  • Recipe Guides For The Holidays
  • ADHD Symptom Tracker
  • Private Online FB Community
  • Support From Dana Kay's Team

Here's What Some Other Families Are Doing With Our Help


Mom even is feeling better - Bonus!


No meltdowns for 2 weeks


Mom of a 6 year old is shocked by the results!



Who is this course for?

Ideal for parents and caregivers of children with ADHD who are looking to explore the impact of dietary changes on behavior and focus.

How long is the course?

The course is structured over 21 days, providing a step-by-step guide to making and sustaining these particular dietary changes.

How long will I have access to the materials?

You will have lifetime access to the course content AND the community forum.

What if I’m not on Facebook? How can I get support?

You are always welcome to email our team at support@adhdthriveinstitute.com with any questions.

Will this course cure my child's ADHD?

While these particular dietary changes can significantly impact ADHD symptoms, they are part of a broader management strategy. This course is intended to be a helpful starting point in your child's overall ADHD management plan.

Can I take this course if my child is on medication for ADHD?

Yes, this course is designed to complement, not replace, any existing treatment plans. However, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before making significant dietary changes.

Can I buy this, try this, then ask for a refund?

Due to the nature of this being an easily consumable digital product, there are no refunds available.

But here's our promise to you: This course isn't just another online program - it has been designed to be an immersive experience with your success in mind. We're confident that the insights, strategies, and skills you'll gain are worth far more than the enrollment fee.

The reality? Once you complete and implement Dye-Free 4 ADHD™, you’ll be thinking of a different r-word: Referral. 😉 #nailedit


ONLY $21

* We Respect Your Privacy & Information


Your Purchase Includes:

"Bite Sized" Videos By Dana Kay
Step-by-Step How To Guides
Lists of Safe Dye-free Products
Visual Product Swap Guides
Recipe Guides For The Holidays
ADHD Symptom Tracker
Private Online Community
Support From Dana Kay's Team
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